Governor for Eastern Highlands Province Hon Peter Numu has given his full support for the establishment of the Extractive Industries Transparency Commission.

Governor Numu opened the lower Highlands Consultation workshop on the PNG Extractive Industries Transparency Commission Bill in Goroka on Monday, September 6th, 2021.

He welcomed the State legal and policy officials from key government departments, Department of Petroleum and Energy, Department of Treasury, Constitutional and Law Reform Commission, National Economic and Fiscal Commission, Internal Revenue Commission, including Provincial administration key representatives from Western Highlands, Jiwaka, Chimbu, Eastern Highlands, and the PNGEITI staff who gathered in Goroka for the week-long consultation.

“As the Governor of Eastern Highlands Province, I am in support of transparency and accountability in the extractive sector.

“The government must be accountable and it must make sure the developer is transparent in the extraction of our natural resources,” he said.

“Our government recognises the need to have transparency and visibility of revenue received from the extractive projects and other sectors in the country particularly in our province.

“We also acknowledge the importance of having factual data from the sector to ensure we are able to make informed decisions in the governance of the sector.

He added that Eastern Highlands Province contributes significantly to the economy of the country through coffee production and exports. The province is a major coffee producer and from coffee exports revenue is generated for the country, while local farmers benefit directly from selling their coffee produce.

“The province also hosts the K92 Mine located in the Kainantu District, that started four years ago. The company K92 Mine Ltd paid K25 million to the government last year, given the tough economic times and is looking at a promising future for the province,” he said.

“Our government also recognises the importance of supporting the work of the PNGEITI in transitioning to an independent entity as proposed ‘Commission’ to fully implement the EITI requirements and best practice Standards that PNG has signed up to implement for our benefit.

“We look forward to providing our comments and views on the proposed PNGEITI Commission Law and work in close consultation with the PNGEITI as it promotes good governance, accountability and transparency in the resources sector.

He acknowledged the National Secretariat’s leadership and the government agencies for their participation and contribution to drafting of the Commission law and the consultation process and reiterated that consultation is the way forward as it captures our people’s views in framing this important legislative requirement.

Photo caption: Eastern Highlands Governor Hon Peter Numu (seated third from left) with stakeholder representatives from provinces Western Highlands, Chimbu, and Eastern Highlands including the State legal and policy officials and the National Secretariat staff at the Bird of Paradise Hotel after he officially opened the lower highlands regional consultation on the PNGEITI Commission Bill.