The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) is a global standard for promoting transparency and accountability of revenues and other benefits received in the oil, gas and mining sectors, consistent with the EITI Global Standard.

The PNGEITI National Secretariat is hereby calling for expressions of interest from service providers who will be responsible for publishing advertisements and articles relating to the work of the EITI on a monthly basis for a period of 6 months from 1st August, 2023 to 31st January, 2024. Ideally, the service provider will be required to include advertisements and articles relating to EITI implementation activities in its monthly publication of newsletters or magazines and such publication should be circulated to a wider audience.

The Contractor will be expected to provide publication services as follows:

Advertisements: This is to promote the work the PNGEITI National Secretariat and its MultiStakeholder Group (MSG) in terms of EITI implementation in country. The National Secretariat intends to place advertisements with a feature report in the publisher’s monthly publication of its magazines or newsletters. The advertisements will be prepared by the National Secretariat and submitted to the publisher (contractor) on a monthly basis.

Articles: To place articles on EITI implementation activities to promote and create awareness in the publisher’s monthly magazine for the 6 months duration. These articles will cover new EITI initiatives, the validation exercises and the new requirements of the EITI Standard. It will also cover in country activities undertaken by the National Secretariat and its MSG.

Interested bidders should obtain a copy of the Terms of Reference (ToR) from the Secretariat office or download it from link provided below. The Terms of Reference (ToR) provides full details on the scope of work involved. Submissions including a financial proposal for the publication services can be emailed to or delivered to the Secretariat office at Level 8 of The Treasury Building no later than 4:30 pm on the 31st of July, 2023.

Terms of Reference (TOR) can be downloaded here


Authorised by:
Lucas Alkan
Head of National Secretariat